Sent: Sunday, April 13, 2008 3:47 PM
To: undisclosed-recipients:
Subject: MAIL CALL NO. 1524- 517TH PRCT-APRIL 13, 2008
  70 Pleasant St. Cohasset, MA. 02025 ,781 383 0215 * Mail Call : Ben Barrett< Click on
This is the last Mail Call till I get back from Palm Springs reunion in about a week . 
Please try to send in donations to Keep the 517 PRCT Association viable. Suggested amount $30.00 to  include Thunderbolt.  Auxiliary members $20.00 Plus $10.00 if you want to receive the  Thunderbolt.  Send donations to  Leo Dean, 14 Stonehenge Lane, Albany, NY  12203.  Make checks payable to 517prct.  Donations for the Auxiliary should be sent to  Karen Frice Wallace   66295 Highway 20  Bend, OR 97701

Mail Call                         
Mail Call Archives       

Palm Springs, CA

April 13-18, 2008


Recent website additions:

Lester Gene Hyman and friends, 596th PCEC

Lots of pictures of the 596th, most unidentified soldiers

517th Victory in Europe Prop Blast - May 19 1945

Toivo Moisio (?), Company D

Blue Book Magazine articles - 1947-1948

Claire Giblin
Hi, Ben -

The Thunderbolt is here!  The Thunderbolt is here!

Or, at least, it's on its way.  As I write, the Thunderbolt is making its way across the country's bulk mail process.  Here's a quick lesson in bulk mail: the mailing goes to the country's postal "hubs" first, and then they go out from there.  The closer you live to a hub, the sooner you'll receive the Thunderbolt.  The further you live from a hub, the longer it will take.  We're interested in hearing the mailing times from across the country, so please let us know!

After you let us know you got it, then we need to hear how you like it and how we can make it better.  We already have a list of adjustments to make for the next issue, and we know it will grow.  However, we do think it's a good start.

Helen and I have probably spoken daily for three months now.  We have worked on this through the busy Easter season (Helen is her church's full-time music director) and through a new full-time career and college visits for my younger son.  Our publication date is a bit later than we'd hoped for, but we'll be in a rhythm soon.  We plan to publish on a bit of an irregular schedule, to promote reunion season and report on both reunions and on observances in France, and we'll give that schedule in the next Thunderbolt (after Palm Springs, so we need photos, please, from Palm Springs attendees!). 

The Thunderbolt was mailed to everyone on the roster.  If you have a problem, please let us know.  We don't want multiple Thunderbolts going to one address, or to wrong addresses.  Check the roster TODAY (just click on the link in Mail Call) and make sure your address is correct.  If it is, you should be getting your Thunderbolt.  If not, please submit your address change. 

If the Association can afford it, we'd like to keep mailing the Thunderbolt to everyone.  If you don't want the Thunderbolt, please also let us know that.

If you can afford to do so, please consider renewing your dues.  Dues supports the Thunderbolt and the website; these tools keep us all connected.  If you're an Auxiliary member, the Thunderbolt is $10/year.

We would be remiss if we didn't thank Wade Gilbert for his ongoing support of the 517 Association and the Thunderbolt.  Wade's generous contributions have enabled us to maintain the Thunderbolt and to further preserve the legacy of the 517. 

Warm regards to all -

Claire Giblin

Bob Christman

Ben I believe you may have seen or heard this
Bob Christman
Karl Locker
Good afternoon, Ben.

 I thought you might want to include the attached in your Mail Call on 04/25/08.

Thank you for all you guys did and continue to do,


Pete Jansson --Son of Bertil B Co.
  Although I haven't posted on the site, I do check in on a weekly basis, and wish all 517th members and their families all the best.  I thank you again for what you and others did for my father last June at the reunion in Washington.  If you ever speak with Trooper Walsh, please give him our best. Pete.

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