Sent: Wednesday, October 03, 2007 2:50 PM
To: undisclosed-recipients:
Subject: MAIL CALL NO. 1407 517TH PRCT-OCTOBER 3, 2007
70  Pleasant St. Cohasset, MA. 02025  *781 383 0215 * Mail Call : Ben Barrett
I have in this Mail Call a poem by Nacho Vasquez from the book "Not Ready To Die" edited by his former wife, Nila Gott.  A big story in a little book about a 517 soldier. I think it is appropriate to repeat it after receiving  Claire's email.

 Paratroopers' Odyssey is  available for $22.50. Send payment to Leo Dean.

You may at times have a problem viewing photos. However, we place most photos on the website under Training and WWII Photos .
Please try to send in donations by August 15 to Keep the 517 PRCT Association viable. Suggested amount $30.00 to  include Thunderbolt.  Auxiliary members $20.00 Plus $10.00 if you want to receive the for the Thunderbolt.  Send donations to  Leo Dean, 14 Stonehenge Lane, Albany, NY  12203.  Make checks payable to 517prct.    Donations for the Auxiliary should be sent to  Karen Frice Wallace   66295 Highway 20  Bend, OR 97701
Please let me know if you want to receive Mail Calls or if you have a problem receiving them. You can always read Mail Calls by clicking on

Claire Giblin

Hi, Ben -

I just watched the last installment of Ken Burns' The War.  Tonight was about the end of the war, homecoming, and the aftermath.

Since we've started going to reunions, Dad (Allan Johnson, 596) has talked more about his experiences.  He came home on a ship into New York Harbor just a few days before Christmas, 1945.  He'd grown up on Staten Island; New York Harbor was home to him.  The Statue of Liberty, dark during the war, was lit up in all her glory.  He was excited to be home, grabbing guys and telling them, "I live right over that hill!" 

Many of the men, though, had never seen the Statue of Liberty.  They'd been fighting - for her and all she represents - for years, and now, here she was.  It always brings a tear to my eye when he tells of how the men were talking to her and shouting for her.  "We did it for you!"  "And we'll go back and do it again if we have to!"  Others were quiet and personal - just so glad to see her. 

It took Dad another few days to get himself processed, discharged, and back to New York, but he made it for Christmas.

Tell your stories today.  Write them down, talk into a tape recorder, get a grandchild to hold the camcorder or set you up in an empty room.  Do it today.  Every memory is important.

Hugs to all my favorite vets -

Claire Giblin

President, 517 Auxiliary-Friend and Family


Dear Family and Friends:
I received a message from my cousin Kathleen (from Jacksonville, FL), her grandson John has been hit in Iraq. Shrapnel has sprayed his back, severed his left ear and he has a concussion. Your prayers are very much appreciated!
God Bless you all,

Teresa is the Alaska Airlines Flight Attendant that befriended us at the Washington reunion.  A group of us were having lunch when we met Teresa. I can't remember who was sitting with me, but I remember Teresa.  The next day she spent considerable time with us in our hospitality  room. - Ben

Juliana Stonis
Hi Ben,

Can you  add me to the Mail Call list?

Thanks So much!
Juliana Stonis

Bob Christie
Greetings to all Mail Call recipients. Our President, Darrell Egner has suggested that I solicit news items for the Thunderbolt from all who participate in Mail Call. I think that is an excellent suggestion.  More news from our membership is just what would interest our readers. Since I have relinquished the Treasurer's job, I receive very few "Letters to the Editor".  Please send me any and all stories and news that would be welcomed by our 517th. Family. Thank you and Airborne all the way, Bob
Mike Wells
To:        Ben
From:     Mike Wells (Chester A. Wells)
RE:        Photograph of, perhaps, H Company?
Attached find a photograph of several men, Company H (? ), that indicates it was taken at Camp Toccoa, Georgia.  I believe the caption also indicates that the Commanding Officer is
Lt. E. F. Brooks.  My Step-Father, Chester A. Wells, is in the middle row, last man on the right. 
I took the original photograph to a professional photographer, Kim Pezeshki (who's husband is enroute home from Afghanistan!), who cleaned it up.  It was preserved in .jpg format and should open with any good photographic software.  Because it was photographed at 30x the original, it can be enlarged several times without loss of detail.  
I have no idea who else is in the picture, or if this group is even associated with the 517th; I'm assuming it is a photograph of men assigned to the 517th.  Any information you, or readers of Mail Call, have would be appreciated.  I have noticed that on the far right of the picture there appears to be a "statue" several yards behind the group; possibly facing a open field.  This might help jog memories as to exactly where the photograph was taken at the camp.   
I am almost finished with the information I intend to send in on my father, and this photograph will be included.  But, wanted to send it out now so that others may determine if anybody in it is one of their relatives. 
Thanks for the work you do! 

Name: Ron Burleson
From: Alexandria, Virginia
My father, Claude Burleson, was in the 517th, 460th, battery D. He passed away 2 years ago. I have been researching various sites trying to find members of that unit and can only find a foto of a reunion which has 6-7 men who were in that unit at a 1983 union. If anyone can direct me to any information regarding that unit and/or those men, I would be greatly appreciative.
Added: October 1, 2007 Delete this entry  Reply to entry  View IP address  
Submitted by Comments:
Name: Elena York
From: Seabeck, WA
My daddy Antonio Salinas was in this unit and I would like to know what I need to do other then to tell you that my dad was a recipient of both the Purple Heart and the Bronze Star so that his name can be added to that section.
Added: October 1, 2007

Please add me to your mail call.
My father, Claude Alfred Burleson, died last year and
I am trying to find members of my father's unit the 460th, D Battery ....
Mssrs Bain, Armbruster, Pohler, Milton, Spaniak, Rydell, Tripp

Thank you 

Ronald A. Burleson
4464 Raleigh Ave, Apt 402, Alexandria, Va 22304
tel: 240-418-5554