517th Parachute Regimental Combat Team

Annual 517th PRCT Reunion

July 17-22, 2006
Portland, OR

Progress Report - 517th Reunion, July 17-22 2006

Due to the outstanding efforts of the 517th Reunion Committee (517th troopers and the 517th Auxiliary), we have accomplished the first major step of getting aboard for 2006. Seems like a long ways away, but not really, as previous "planners" may very painfully recall. Please note the following:

1.  The site

2.  Room rates

3.  The weather

4.  Events planned - Tentative

We are working on some, or all, of the above. So this is known as our military "Warning Order." Please note the dates on your calendar. For the peace of mind of the 517th planners as well as the hotel, be prepared to send in early reservations.


The 517th Planning Committee, and Gene Frice, 517th President