517th Parachute Regimental Combat Team


Chester A. Wells

2nd Platoon, H Company


- - - D R A F T - - -

I'm working on the submission of my father's association with the 517th.  (Step-father, actually.)  While going through many photo's sent to me by my sister, I found this one.  As I am writing this on Memorial Day, May 28, 2007, it just seemed like a very good picture for the day.  It reminded me of why this day is celebrated and why I need to always remember, and make sure my family, friends, neighbors, and my community remember.  This is for the memories of those who did so much during WWII, and for those who served before and since.  May God Bless!   

Rhonda Wells

While I'm working on submitting Chester A. Wells' information to the "Meet the Troopers" section of the web site, I'm going to send on a few pictures at a time. I'll put notations on them, with information that I've gleaned from notes my Dad made on the pictures or from information provided by Dad to other members of the family. I should say that some of his notes are not "complimentary," but I've written the notes exactly as he did; for historical purposes. Looking forward to hearing the results of the 517th's reunion in D.C. Sounds like a lot of folks will be attending!

If any of your readers have more information about these photographs, such as names of the other's in the photo's or where the photo was taken, I'd certainly like to hear from them.

Anyway, here's a few pictures, I've put them in two formats in case one doesn't come through. Don't know how many I should send at any one time, so I'll just do 4 at a time. On the picture that names "Sgt. Dotey," I've seen the name of Cecil Doty on the web site. Wondering if it is the same person.
As for the pictures, I don't know the proper "etiquette" for posting them. If anyone wants to use them, for personal use or other publications, I would prefer that I be contacted. As for the 517th website, you are welcome to use them:

Michael S. J. Wells

Sgt. Doty, Wells and a unknown Trooper.  Possibly taken in the Piera Cava area.

Writing says: "D+2 Aug 17-44.. 2nd Pl H. Co. 517".

Notes indicate this may have been taken in area of Sospel. Wells is on the left.

This picture was labeled as "7 Switchbacks."