From: Ben517
Sent: Sunday, September 26, 2004 2:51 AM
Subject: MAIL CALL NO. 764 517TH PRCT--SEPTEMBER 26, 2004
Not much mail but I though  all might be interested in the account of the hurricane just received from Floyd Polk

Mail Call           
Mail Call Archives
Florida Mini-Reunion 2005
January 23-27, 2005
Kissimmee, FL

2005 Biannual Reunion
August 15-19, 2005
Savannah, Ga.

Floyd Polk
5:45 a.m. and we have a hurricane right on top of us.  Too bad I couldn't send sound because I could let you know what a hurricane sounds like.  You would think we would get used to the storms but it sure is hard to get any sleep.  We'll let you know how we come out after it is over.
Floyd Polk

Randolph Coleman
To John Alicki... Following your suggestion to read your message slowly, the third time to read it is even better. Unless you have "lost it", or never had it, this is a "mover"... and I am proud to say it moved me to tears, even through some smiles.  My day will be better. Thanks...Randolph Coleman F. Co.

Boom Boom Alicki
Thanks for the kind thoughts. The message affected me profoundly.  Have a pleasant week-end.