Sent: Monday, February 23, 2004 7:40 PM
To: undisclosed-recipients:
Subject: MAIL CALL NO. 648 517TH PRCT--FEBRUARY 23,2004
Neil Blanton has made several request for information about his father, Willard Blanton, a Bronze Star recepient who served in B company from the beginning to the end. Can anyone in the first Battalion help him?

Mail Call                  
Mail Call Archives

2004 West Coast Party
April 19-22, 2004
Palm Springs, CA

Howard Hensleigh

Dear Ben:

First let me congratulate you and Bob for getting Dick Spencer’s poem (regarding Art Ridler’s death at Col de Braus) into Mail Call in large enough print to read. Art’s last name has just one "d", but we have written it with two in some places, including my "hen scratching" on the margin of the poem.

Secondly, Congratulations to Michael Nell Aterburn on the work he did in getting his father’s letter into Mail Call. It tickled a couple of my thoughts. His father and mother’s wedding driver, PFC Jesse O. Goswick and PFC Hector H. Colo were killed in the attack on St. Cezaire. St. Cezaire is a few kilometers north of Callian and Montauroux. All three are small mountain towns. All three played a part in 3rd Bn. "activities". Most of G and H Companies landed near Callian on the jump. This was thirty or so kilometers from our drop zone. As Tom Cross says in his Dragoon write up, we were mission oriented. There were plenty of Germans to fight on the way to the drop zone areas of la Motte, le Muy and Les Arcs, particularly in Draguignan. Our job though was to link up with the rest of the combat team and clear the way for the seaborne troops to head north. We did this on a forced march and (as a somewhat disorganized battalion) made a successful attack on the south end of Les Arcs in the afternoon of D plus one. We weren’t through with the Callian area though. Most of us were there twice. Joe McGeever, Red Meline, Frank Longo and I were there three times. Joe and I were sent back to "liberate" our jump casualties. Joe got his group out in one day. It took me two. When Frank and I arrived at Callian, we found that our jump casualties had been moved to Montauroux. The Germans occupied that town. Frank, a French guide from Callian and I made our way into Montauroux through the "back door" known only to the French. Fortunately the Germans were just leaving town. Doc Plassman had taken good care of the casualties, and we got them out. When we finished the job in the jump zone area, we were sent back here to drive the the Germans back into Italy. Colo and Goswick were killed in the attack on St Cezaire in our push to the east. Mike, as a platoon Sgt., Your Dad participated in all these attacks, and took good care of his men, of which you can be proud.

When your Dad went to Nice in May, I was in charge of the convoy. He was supposed to be there for seven days. He was really there nine. We set out from Joigny early one fine May day. We had rations and pup tents with an evening chow and bivouac spot designated. When we finished chow, I called the noncoms together and asked if they would like to spend the night there or keep going. It was unanimous. When we got to Nice the next morning, the billeting officer raised cane with me because he didn’t have billets. Somehow he found room for us and we enjoyed a little more time in that lovely spot the jet setters eventually discovered. I figured we deserved it because we liberated the place. Howard Hensleigh

Tom Cross
       It was very thoughtful of you to share your Father's WW II letter with members of the 517th PRCT Family of which we are all repeat all members.
       I do not know how the remaining members of our outfit felt when they read your Dad's letter but I am not ashamed to tell you it brought tears to my eyes. The message to your Mother was in one form or another duplicated by many of us throughout the 517th PRCT during the periods we were in combat.
       We, who are left with the memories of 517th comrades that are not with us today, are counting on your generation within the 517th PRCT Family to keep alive what your Dad and his remaining comrades still hold dear and these are: Love of Country, Pride in our Organization, and, last but not least, Memories of a true Band of Brothers.
Best Wishes and Thanks for Sharing
Tom Cross (Co. E., Hq 2nd Bn., and Hq 3rd Bn.)

Neil Blanton

Hello BEN  I've written you before hoping someone would remember my dad Willard B. Blanton Co. B.  He was with the 517th from start to finish just though id try again.           thank-you

Boom Boom

Ben...I'm planning to attend the Savannah Reunion. All is well on this end.  Do appreciate what you and Bob are doing to keep the old passing (WWII) generation  and the young generation informed.  Great achievement.
6268589 Regular Army 1936

Joseph Martel

My name is Joseph Martel (that is one L) I get the Thunderbolt to Martell
in error. My address is 2341 Bngham St. Honolulu, HI 96826, and my e-mail
address is with this e-mail. Just sent out a return letter to Mark
Landreth, whose father Roy passed away and he wanted some information.
Sgt Landreth was my squad leader until we came down off the mountains in
Souther France. Meanwhile I would like to know my Battle of the Bulge
buddies, Gagnon and DeFraine also Sgt Allen our squad leader. Thanks for

Chris Lindner


Hi Ben:

I just wanted to tell you that the letter Michael Arterburn sent in from his Father Nello R. Arterburn  was well worth reading.  Michael is right in saying that this describes why most of you 517th Veterans did not talk about the War.  I am glad that now many of you are talking about it because we all want to hear what you have to say.  Hopefully it is easier for the 517ther’s to talk about it now that it has been 60 years ago.  I for one have enjoyed every story I’ve heard.

Chris Lindner

Nate Rubenstein’s Daughter

Lou Holsworth

      Thanks will try again... Did you know I served with him or in the 505 back in 46 when I reenlisted.. Have a book I want to mail him... called COMBAT JUMP... have you read this ?  Lou 


Lou is referring to Bob Piper.-Ben

> Subj:  REQUEST
>   Date:  2/22/2004 12:23:30 PM Eastern Standard Time
>   From:  "Dennis" <>
>   To:  <>
> Honorable members of the 517th,

> My Name is Dennis Wiese (  I am currently starting a new WW2 Call of Duty Game server and we would like to request your permission to name our team after the 517th.  We will have a game related home page with our team information and historical information honoring the soldiers of the 517th as well as links to other historically named unit's web pages.

> We compete in competition tournaments against other teams from all over the world via on line competition.

> Thank you for your consideration.  We would also like to be added to your mail call report.  We will post it on our web
> page as well with your permission.

> Thank you and Semper Fi!!
> Dennis Wiese


This is a legitimate request.  There are many online gaming forums.  These groups set up teams and play war and action games against each other.  Similar to normal video games, but the internet enables them to play with lots of players who can be scattered all over the world.  These groups generally try to be realistic, borrowing identities from real units, and often creating realistic scenarios from past battles. 

Dennis Wiese may not be aware that there is already a Call of Duty clan using the 517th name and logo.  You can find it at: and

I suggest a response to Dennis like the following:


We are honored that you have found the 517th Parachute Regimental Combat Team through our web site.  Normally, we would have no objection to your using our name and logo for your clan.  But it appears that another unit is already using our name for Day of Defeat and Call of Duty gaming:  Is that your unit?  Maybe they are in a different league, or maybe it doesn't matter.

If you still want to use our name for your game server, we have no objection as long as it is done with respect, and that it shows no disrespect to other units, nationalities, ethnic groups, races, etc.  And we would ask that you include a link to our website for anyone who might be searching for information.

To your second request, to distribute our MailCall through your webserver and clan, I don't think that this would be appropriate or interesting to your members.  Our members are generally 80-90 years old and are sharing mostly personal messages to each other, so it is not really intended for wide distribution.  We would instead just request that you include a link to our website.  That would be enough tribute for us.


Ben Barrett

Dennis Wiese
Thank you sir,
We will fully respect your wishes and the honor that you have given to our great nation and to yourselves. We will of course respect all of your wishes and we thank you for
Dennis Wiese

Lory Curtis

Thanks for that update Ben.  I have been concerned that maybe the project had been put on hold.  Capt Terry was very sincere about wanting to make sure the 517th is forever represented by Company C, 501st  at Fort Benning.  Wish I could get down there for his dedication ceremony.
