Some members were unable to receive NO. 490 because their mail box was full or because of the download. I will try not to send downloads in future Mail Calls.If you still wish to receive NO. 490, let me know and I'll send it without the download.

The nextThunderbolt will be the last that Merle will publish. Bob Christie will publish it in the future. He will try to get a represenitive from each unit to contribute news.Will have more information on this matter later.

I want to ackowledge the contribution made by Wade Gilbert, the son of Ernest  in "F" Co. It was going to cost us $450 to rent a projector to show the website. Wade supplied one free of charge. He also printed out 150 copies of the 517th roster at no cost.

The Color Guard for the reunion was the WWII AIRBORNE DEMONSTRATION TEAM. They were outstanding.You can go to their website on our Contents page. I will have more to say about a poster with a collage drawn by Dan for the 517. It's great.-Ben
WWII Airborne Demonstration Team FoundationStatement of PurposeThe WWII Airborne Demonstration Team Foundation was formed to honor and serve the memory of those men who fought and died to preserve America's freedom during WWII as members of Airborne units of the United States Army. The activities of the Foundation also recognize and honor those who served and survived that conflict.The foundation serves that honorable purpose through the participation of its members in active parachute jumping in the style of the WWII airborne soldier utilizing an aircraft that actually participated in the Normandy invasion of France in June, 1944. These activities serve to further the memory of their unbending loyalty to the cause of freedom.Further, it is the goal of the Foundation to foster, promote and engage in research of WWII airborne operations and military history and to inform and educate the public through airborne operations demonstrations throughout the United States.
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Subj: Cobwebs 
Date: 6/10/2003 10:12:31 AM Eastern Daylight Time
From: hhensleigh@earthlink.net
To: Ben517@aol.com

Dear Ben: As you know, the spirit of the 517th Combat Team is alive and well. Jan now understands two things a little better. With guys like she met at Oklahoma City, we couldn’t have lost the War. She also understands why Bill Boyle and Dick Seitz, who served in many other military organizations during their illustrious careers, still consider the 517th Combat Team home and family. Reunions get a lot of details straightened out. Some time ago I was fishing for a book I thought was named Combat Patrol written by a 460th man named Brown. I glanced at it while waiting for a plane out of Washington National (now Ronald Reagan) and found out it was about paratroops. In those days paper backs were about a buck and although I’m not a big spender, I splurged and bought it. After the first few pages I concluded that the author had been a member of the Combat Team. When I got back to the Pentagon, Tommy Thompson of the 460th, let me know who Brown was. Those details faded through the years and Herb Jeff set me straight. The name of the book was Kings go Forth; the name of the movie was Combat Patrol, and the name of the author was Joe David Brown who was quite a character. We had a great time and wish to thank Jesse and Lou Darden again for arranging things. A cheery hello to all of you who were there and to those who were not. Every reason I heard for those who did not make it was a good one, including Al Goodman’s. When health of a trooper or the spouse of a trooper stands in the way, we understand. My best, Howard H.
-Subj: Re: MAIL CALL 490 517TH PRCT 
Date: 6/9/2003 9:51:32 PM Eastern Daylight Time
From: artann3447@juno.com
To: Ben517@aol.com

To Shirly Mcary,  I know I spelled your name wrong,  forgive please  I
have had a lot of problems with my computer,  My message to you is this,
Band of Brothers is avaiable in DVD and VCR,   I bought the DVD version
and highly recommend it,  but again I was also there.  Tom McAvoy
Subj: Oklahoma Reunion 
Date: 6/9/2003 10:41:44 PM Eastern Daylight Time
From: chrislindner@bellsouth.net

3-9-03 Hi Ben: I just wanted to write a note and tell the Darden’s THANK YOU for hosting such a nice reunion.   I enjoyed myself and again met many new people.  I have to tell all of you that my Son was really glad he went to the reunion and I think he was in awe of all of the 517th troopers.  I went in his room today and he saved his name tag and put it on his desk with other things he has from his grandparents (so you know it meant something to him if he saved the name tag and did not throw it away). Well as I told you I went to San Antonio and Friday night went to the NBA playoffs and the Spurs lost.  I think it was because I was there.  I started to get what I thought was a sinus infection at the reunion but I went to the doctor today and it turns out in addition to a sinus infection if have pneumonia but it’s a mild case and I got medicine.   I’m on my way to St. Louis tomorrow because my Mom has not been doing so well and she needs to have another surgery and I want to be there when she has it. I have some pictures I want to e-mail you from the reunion but I will have to do it when I get back.  Rick and I had a great time and I am really glad we went to the reunion.  THANKS AGAIN TO THE DARDEN’S-----THEY DID A GREAT JOB. Have a great day. Chris LindnerNate Rubenstein’s daughter

_At the reunion someone inquired about email that I received sometime ago from Mike Spano and Fred Beyer and therefor I am enclosing it in this Mail Call. I wish that it will be possible for both to come to Kissimmee for our mini reunion in January-Ben _______________________________________________________________________
Subj: Mail Call No. 164
Date: 10/12/2001 4:49:00 PM Eastern Daylight time
From: Mike Spano
To: Ben517Ben, You asked for personal stories. Here's one I will never forget. I know that thousands of eerie events happened to lots of guys that made them believe in a guardian angel. Here's mine. It was in Manhay. I was with I Company, Third platoon. We led the attack and were right in the middle of our own massive artillery barrage. That night we all jumped into already dug foxholes. The next morning, one of the guys in the foxhole only a few yards away asked me if I would switch foxholes with him. Can't remember his name, but he was a B.A.R. man. Without hesitation I said "sure", and made the switch. It was late morning, I believe, when a P38 lightning flew overhead. Because of its twin fuselage, it was one of the few planes I could recognize, so I jumped out of the foxhole to take care of a personal matter. Suddenly, the P38 dives and drops a 500 pounder. I dove back in the foxhole. That's when I heard that awful scream. I popped my head up just in time to see the guy with whom I had switched foxholes running with no right arm. Just shreds hung down from what remained of his shoulder. I slumped down in disbelief. If I didn't switch foxholes with him, that would be me. Neither he nor his buddy survived just that one bomb. Friendly fire did it to us again. For quite some time I suffered what is called survivor's guilt. Manhay wasn't the only rime my guardian angel was looking after me. I'll tell you about another incident in which I was shot when leading an attack as pointman at a later time. It boggles my mind. Incidentally, if the trooper who was with me in the foxhole is among our members, please write me. Mike 517Date: 10/13/2001 10:00:42 AM Eastern Daylight Time
From: Fred Beyer I was in Manhay, and will never forget the artillery barrage the night before I lost my arm from that P38. It could be the one you are talking about. I was in a foxhole with Cleo Browning and believe he was killed. I do remember that Lt. Stott was killed that night.I don't remember any one named Mike off hand. Refresh my memory, will you?Sunday October 14, 2001
Fred Beyer Date: 10/13/2001 10:51:06 PM Eastern Daylight Time
From Mike SpanoHi, FT Beyer... I was astounded to hear that you survived the P38 attack. When I saw you running, I thought you would never make it with all the blood loss. God bless you. It was either you or your buddy who switched foxholes with me prior to the attack. Do you remember? Believe me, the switch happened. Was it you or your buddy who was the B.A.R. man? Please let me hear from you. However, we are driving to Florida tomorrow to our winter home and need a week to get my PC turned on there. I can't believe it. All these years I thought you were dead. I don't think we knew each other very well, so I didn't expect you to remember me when I couldn't recall your name either. But I'll never forget the incident. I was in the foxhole next to you.Mike Spano
