
Sent: Tuesday, December 19, 2000 9:11 AM

To: undisclosed-recipients:

Subject: Special Mail Call

Hello, Merle didn't want any special attention given to him, but heck he is our president and he is someone special. Ben


Subj: (no subject)

Date: 12/18/00 12:20:01 PM Eastern Standard Time

From: MMcmor8391

To: Ben517

Ben: Holiday Greetings to you and all members on your e-mail list. I have some good news and some bad news. The good news overshadows the bad. On December 9 Mardy Chapman and I were married in Bloomington, Minnesota, a suburb of Minneapolis. The children and grandchildren from each family were in attendance. The ceremony was follow by a private dinner in a local hotel. Our families had known each since college and lived within a block of each other for almost 50 years. The children grew up together and still get together for skiing, pro-football games, etc. My new address is 1209 Prospect Place Bismarck, ND 58501 (Mardy's home) Telephone number 710-223-7262. We plan to sell both of our homes after the reunion in May and buy a condo in Fargo. It will put us 200 miles closer to our children and Marty's grandchildren. We will also be much closer to the lake home in Minnesota. Now the bad news. I was in for a number of stress tests and an angiogram last Monday. I have blockage in my heart and need a quadruple by-pass. I wouldn't have it done until some time after a cruise in January and the reunion at Kissimee. It is tough to get old but many don't have that opportunity. Again, Happy Holidays Merle